Surrounded by greenery in the heart of Tuscany, this property is located in an ideal location for those who love the colors and the sounds of the countryside. The villa is just 15 minutes from the famous resort of Monte Argentario and Talamone or the nature reserves of the Orbetello lagoon and the Uccellina Park.
The house is nestled in the middle of a four-hectare park, between tall trees, cypresses and secular cork trees surrounding relaxation areas located in the elegant Italian garden with a pool.
750 sqm villa, belonging to a famous family, has been completely renovated, retaining the charm of old residences, but with all the modern amenities.
Property is on two levels, with entrance into three large halls, including sofas, fireplace, library area, TV room, study and dining room. Four double bedrooms all with en-suite bathrooms; as well as two double bedrooms both with en-suites, service area with large laundry and utility room, a double bedroom with bathroom.
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