Sale of beautiful villa with garden and exceptional views of the sea and over the entire Feniglia in an exclusive residence.
The villa allows you to enjoy maximum privacy and tranquility.
The living room has several areas with sofa, one in front of the fireplace, another in front of a panoramic window, interior dining room with a round table which leads to a veranda with a glass table and a separate kitchen.
The bedrooms are as follows: on the first floor the master has a king bed, sitting area, private exit to the terrace, closet, bathroom with shower; ground floor two double bedrooms served by a bathroom with shower, room service, shower and terrace.
The total area of ??the villa is 160 square meters, including terraces of 40 square meters and the garden is about 200 square meters.
The rooms are spacious and decorated in a modern style.
Outside, beyond the terrace level living room, there is a private garden planted with grass.
The residence has a swimming pool, concierge and parking for cars.
Distance from the beach 1000 meters; 800 meters away from the shopping center; distance from 100 meters down to the rocks.
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